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Hyperia Final Turn Around And Station Track Installed
Saturday 11th November 2023
Hyperia at Thorpe Park is progressing fast, with more track and supports installed since our last look at the project over a week and a half ago.

Since our last look at the area, the final turn and break run has started to be installed. Supports for the break run appear to almost be complete with only 2 left to be installed. The track towers above the old Platform 15 fence which is still standing strong! The final turn looks a lot more impressive in person than we thought it would be looking at the plans and POV of the rollercoaster that the park released.

The maintenance building is now fully enclosed with a roof and sides of the building installed. However, when looking at the station building floors have started to be installed but the most exciting part of this update is that track and supports for the station have been installed! Kicker wheels for moving trains in and out of the station can be seen already installed. Mack Rides aren't sitting around on this project.

The base of the lift hill also now appears to be complete. We wonder when we might see some more progress on the lift hill or higher sections of the rollercoaster. The Island Landscape hasn't changed much since the park has closed. But we're sure it won't be long! 

Hyperia Overbanked Turn Completed
Tuesday 31st October 2023
The first element of Hyperia has been completed! The overbanked turn has been completed/topped off this afternoon. The first piece of track went in a 9 a.m. this morning and the element was completed this afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

This will be our last update from inside the park until the park opens for the 2024 theme park season.

However, work around the site has rapidly progressed this year. At the beginning of the year, Loggers Leap still stood tall and proud. Fast forward 10 months and a new structure towers above the island landscape.

Work on the station and maintenance buildings continues with both buildings now complete and cladding being added to them to make them watertight. With winter coming we expect that this will be a priority.

Supports for the maintenance area or station building have also been moved onto the site today. So it might not be long until we see supports and track in the station or maintenance area. 

Hyperia Overbanked Turn Track Half Installed
Thursday 26th October 2023
One of the most exciting days in the history of Hyperia being constructed has happened! We finally got to witness sections of the track being installed. Two sections of track for the overbanked were installed within an hour of each other Thursday afternoon. Progress can be slow when building a big rollercoaster like this, but add a 165ft height difference to it, and things get difficult.

We started off our day with a walk down Monks Walk to see the rollercoaster from a different perspective. It's crazy to think that 12 months ago this view was very different with Loggers Leap still occupying this space, after being SBNO for so long the ride is finally gone. We’ve lost a Mack and gained a new shiny Mack Rides Product.

The view from across the lake already looks so different! And when walking down Monks Walk it's very cool to see this new structure rise up slowly. Since our last trip down Monks Walk the station and maintenance building have been installed and the final sections of the building are still being installed. The maintenance building seems to confirm the fact that Hyperia will have two trains with two rails seen for maintenance of the rollercoaster trains. Space for some track down the middle can be seen in photos.

Back inside the park, over the past few days more track and supports have been installed for this overbanked turn. But we wanted to see some bits get installed ourselves. We took up camp at Burger King and waited! After a long time of waiting…

At around 2:30 pm the first section of track took to the air and the long process of fitting the bit of track began. With this first section of the track connecting to another bit and needing a second bit installed pretty quickly. It wasn’t long till its supporting partner section of the track was flown into the air and connected up to release any stress left on the piece just installed. After a long day of work at 6 pm the two cranes finally packed up and the two new sections of white track were finally installed and ready for more work to continue Friday.

Sunset Over The Busy Hyperia Construction Site
Monday 23rd October 2023
The sun has set over Thorpe Park which marks the end of another busy of construction at Project Exodus (Hyperia)

Huge progress has today been made on the maintenance building for the rollercoaster with more steel structures installed along with the metal supports that will hold the track for the maintenance building. No track has been installed yet but we expect it will be installed before the building is completed and a roof is installed.

Of course, the main point of focus for the construction site at the moment is building the two towers for one of the inversions. When we visited the park yesterday the second tower was tiny however on a passing-through visit today. It has grown in size and is almost as tall as the main structure standing at 165ft.

Mountings for more sections of track are now very visible and we would be shocked if we didn't see the track installed on this inversion by the end of the week. Or at least by 31st October when the park closes for the season.

Viewing Hyperia from the first bit of Monk's Walk looking over the lake the Island Landscape has never looked better. We can't wait to see this coaster grow over the closed season.

Of course updates won't stop then, Monks Walk (the public footpath) remains open 365 days! 

Hyperia Sunday 22nd October 2023 Construction Round Up
Sunday 22nd October 2023
It's a beautiful sunny day! Time for a recap of this week's work for Hyperia.

The second tower for the inversion has started to grow in height, the maintenance building supports have been moved to the construction site ready to be installed. Some supports for the maintenance building are already in place and the station building appears to be complete now. 

Hyperia Reaches 165ft Milestone
Friday 20th October 2023
Hyperia has reached a new milestone of reaching 165ft! The tower for one of the inversions is now complete and can be seen from all around the park. Since the tower was built on Monday the structure is now at its maximum height of 165ft without track of course! The tower has now been completed with mountings for track seen on the top and sides. With the highest point being the lift hill standing at 236ft this tower will soon be towered over very soon.

Work on building the station building continues with the structure almost looking complete. A small stash of black steel beams can be seen on the floor waiting to be installed. You can see the platform where the on and offload will be and the gap in the middle where the track will run. With the site cleared for access for cranes and larger vehicles, we can now also see the ground pins for the break run leading into the station.

Around the rest of the site more supports have been installed and a few more track sections have been installed. The track is now very visible from the bridge when walking to Colossus. Foundations for the base of the lift hill now appear to be being worked on with new rebar spotted in the location of where the base will soon be placed.

We wonder how long it will be until the track is installed on the 165ft structure!  

Hyperia Top and Bottom Of Lift Hill Delivered
Wednesday 18th October 2023
Deliveries for Hyperia continue to arrive at Thorpe Park on what seems like a daily basis. Every few days Thorpe Park updates us on social media showing off new and exciting parts for the rollercoaster getting delivered. Yesterday the most exciting delivery so far was posted in the Annual Pass Group, the top and bottom of the lift hill have now been delivered.  

With storage locations for Hyperia starting to burst at the seams with a huge amount of supports, metal work and track located on the island behind The Swarm. The park has now started to store parts for the new rollercoaster next to the staff car park. Huge sections of the lift hill, the top and base of the lift and a few sections of track are currently being stored next to the staff car park. Those lucky enough to park in the staff car park get a bird’s eye view of some of the parts for Hyperia. Also located in this storage location are more rollercoaster supports, the chain lift motor box, transfer track bases, the start of the lift hill stairs and sections of the break run catwalk.

It's amazing to see parts for Hyperia up close, it's hard to get the scale of these parts from photos but when you stand in front of the track and lift hill sections they are huge! It's going to be a busy few months installing Hyerpia but we can't wait to see it come to life.

Like a giant puzzle, each section of track and support has a unique code and part number so construction crews know what bit goes where. It's like a giant Lego or Meccano set.

Photos taken with permission and approval from Thorpe Park. 

Hyperia Breaks Into The Thorpe Park Skyline
Tuesday 17th October 2023
Hyperia has broken into the skyline of Thorpe Park! Construction for the new 2024 rollercoaster has finally reached new heights and is breaking into the skyline of the park.

The rollercoaster structure is now very visible from the outside of the park and when walking across the bridge into the park. The structure for one of the inversions for the rollercoaster has rocketed into the skyline of the park in the past 12 hours.

Meanwhile, across the rest of the site, the framework for the station has started to be installed. Painted black, we won't actually see the framework for the station once cladding and theming have been installed. Upon closer inspection, you can see the offload section of the station, we're hoping that this Mack Rides rollercoaster will have the famous bag room system on the offload platform. This will seriously improve throughput for the ride and reduce the need for a bag room before you board the ride.

Hyperia September 15th 2023 Update
Sunday 15th October 2023
It's time for a Sunday round-up for Project Exodus now known as Hyperia.

The track for the 2024 rollercoaster is flying up and at this rate, we could see the rollercoaster open in March 2024! In our last update it was too dark to take any nice photos of the rollercoaster so thought we would revisit to capture the site in its current state a bit better.  

Hyperia Branding Updated Throughout The Park
Friday 13th October 2023
With the name finally revealed for Project Exodus, branding advertising Hyperia is slowly being rolled out across the resort!

The banners on the gates for Project Exodus are now gone and have been replaced with Hyperia stickers.

Marketing for the new rollercoaster has officially begun!