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Hyperia Rises Into The Thorpe Park Skyline

Thorpe Park
Tuesday 10th October 2023

It’s the second day of Hyperia going vertical at Thorpe Park and already the park is making amazing progress with the rollercoaster structure. Mack Rides are on site to help assist with the construction of the new rollercoaster and judging by them previously building Voltron at Europa Park it won’t be long until this ride is towering over the skyline of the park.

During our short visit down Monks Walk, we saw two bits of track lifted into the sky and into specific areas of the site ready to be installed over the next few days.

Over 20 supports have been installed in the last 48 hours and the site is looking amazing. Work on the foundations for the maintenance building has also kicked started since our visit less than a week ago. Foundations for the base of the building are currently being built out of rebar before concrete will then be poured to form the foundations of the building.

Already the structure is very visible to anyone walking down Monk Walk. The ride structure towers above the old Platform 15 fence. Which has seen better days!

The view from across the lake and the bridge is going to change forever! And we can’t wait.